Your Journey Begins Here!

Welcome to a virtual field trip inside the Taj Mahal!

First, we will start with the history of this incredible landmark. From there, we will walk the grounds, discovering the beautiful architecture along the way!

You can navigate to any part of the Taj Mahal at any time, using the links listed below or the tabs listed across the top. I have listed the links in the order of the path that one would typically follow if visiting the Taj Mahal in person, but feel free to go in whatever order you'd like.
  1. History
  2. The Layout
  3. The Gateway
  4. The Gardens
  5. The Mausoleum
  6. The Mosque & The Guest Home

Here are a few helpful vocabulary words before we begin!
  • Mausoleum - a large burial chamber, usually above ground in a free-standing building
  • Emperor - a royal leader of an empire
  • Mughal - also known as Mogul, it is part of something the relates to the Mughal Empire, which is now part of present-day India
  • Persian - from or related to Iran
  • Koran - the religious text of Islam 
  • Mosque - a place of worship for followers of Islam

This Virtual Field Trip covers many of the Learning Expectations and Accomplishments for 5th Grade Social Studies (Culture) in the state of Tennessee.

Learning Expectations:
• 1.01 Understand the diversity of human cultures. 
• 1.02 Discuss cultures and human patterns of places and regions of the world. 
• 1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to the development of civilization.

5.1.02 Discuss cultures and human patterns of places and regions of the world. 
a. Explain how art, music, and literature reflected the times during which they were created. 
b. Give examples and describe the importance of cultural unity and diversity within and across groups. 

5.0.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations.
b. Describe how language, stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture and influence behavior of people living in a particular culture.

Let's Get Started! Our First Stop is the History of the Taj Mahal!